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RPG General Discussion

General Discussion about RPG's both online and offline, massively multiplayer or not in here!


Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided is the first product in a series of online massively multiplayer game products that allows players to live the Star Wars movies in a way they never have before. By creating a character and immersing yourself in the rich and authentic Star Wars galaxy, you are able to do nearly anything you can imagine; whether you join the Rebellion, fight for the Empire, or remain neutral and take on the role of a smuggler, the options are limitless.

Posts: 2,011
Topics: 247

Last post: June 09, 2014, 07:37:28 PM MOVED: SWGEmu - It's Sta... by Undergrid

PlaneSide is the world's first "MMOFPS" -- a persistent-world first-person shooter where the battle never ends. PlanetSide's gameplay feels reminiscent of other team-focused multiplayer games such as Tribes, Battlefield 1942 and even C&C: Renegade.

Posts: 169
Topics: 24

Last post: December 24, 2012, 12:26:32 PM Planetside 2 Weapon Stat... by RichardWhitely

City of Heroes / Villains
A true departure from the MMORPG market, standalone games CoH and CoV allow the player to take one side of the comic-influenced battle for domination between the good and evil that exists in Paragon City and the Lost Isles. Integrating both games allows Heroes to turn bad, Villains to see the light and PvP good-versus-evil combat

Posts: 296
Topics: 66

Last post: September 19, 2012, 05:27:11 AM Re: City of Heroes enter... by Lot

Started by |fury|

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Started by Emma

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Started by Undergrid

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