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Logging in

Started by Lt.Swan, September 10, 2003, 10:41:12 AM

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I have to log in every time I enter the forum  :?
Have checked the auto loggin box everyday for the last 3 years at least  :P but it doesn't work
Stupid bloomin thing :silly:
Anyone know why this is???


Have you set your browser to either refuse cookies from all untruested domains, or to refuse cookies from this domain?

hhmmmmm, cookies.... *munch*
QuoteIn the force if Yoda's so strong, construct a sentence with words in the proper order then why can't he?


No its set to medium
Everywhere else is ok its just here.  :?

Made some choc chip cookies the other day.
Great when warm but they turned to stone when they cooled down  :(


You *need* to set IE to allow cookies from this site Swanny. It just isn't going to work otherwise.


Some options to check:
- Use the login on the front page NOT on the forum
- Check your internet options -> Tab Privacy and than use the Edit button (check if you blocked this server)
- Check your internet options -> Tab Privacy check your advanced button for manual settings (slider should be on Medium)
- Try to delete all cookies and reload this site again and login than
- Check you computer date


Thx it worked just then


Just had to log in again  :P