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Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Re: Guild hunt tonight? 11th J...
Last post by Tricky - July 12, 2014, 09:41:38 AM
Well the hunt was fun and surprising in equal measure with another untimely Hamster death due to those pesky mobs. Our porn-star aspiring entertainer was caught lying down on the job after a brush with a Pikey - I mean Piket.  :lol: We ticked off quite a few POIs:

Janta Stronghold
Mokk Stronghold - where UG rightfully gave a bit of grief back to some smacktard who was pulling our targets.
A Dantari village - which was a bit easy even with just two of us at that point.
Kunga Stronghold

The 100% kinetic Rockshapers were an interesting surprise! Well done UG for packing a big pistol...  :orly: Afterwards I went shopping for a power hammer which delivers blast damage, handy for next time!

Dathomir next time then!  :itsatrap:

Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Re: Guild hunt tonight? 11th J...
Last post by Tricky - July 11, 2014, 06:23:23 PM
Good idea! Let's meet on Dantooine at Goontown. I have no idea what it is like but it sounds funny.
Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Re: Guild hunt tonight? 11th J...
Last post by Undergrid - July 11, 2014, 02:27:48 PM
I suggest we meet up somewhere close to where were going to be hunting, I don't mind dragging Arranz across the galaxy and it'll give us more time under buffs.  I wouldn't bother with entertainer buffs unless one happens to be nearby, a double shot of brandy should do the job just as well (and in my case is stronger than an entertainer buff).  I can supply some decent stuff to anyone who doesn't happen to have any.
Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Re: Guild hunt tonight? 11th J...
Last post by Tricky - July 11, 2014, 12:41:56 PM
Lol UG - that was more because people have been caught out before on hunts when unbuffed - mentioning no names :-D But a high quality buff from a trusted source will be appreciated!

It will be good to have both of you around! Frankly, anything past 11.30 is getting past my bedtime anyway. i blame old age and kids.
Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Re: Hunting grounds
Last post by Undergrid - July 11, 2014, 12:29:59 PM
Dantooine is pretty good once you get slightly higher up the skill trees and if you have a solo group.  There are two player cities just north of the Agro outpost (I think, the southern most starport) which have (or had the last time I was there) improved job markets.  Galactic Ridge (or something like that) is one of them, I can't remember the other. 

You can basically get jobs to the SE from the northernmost one which will more or less take you to the other city giving very little travel time between finishing the jobs and getting to a terminal.  Obviously taking jobs to the NW will give the same result for the reverse journey.  You get more jobs done per buff and since they have an Improved job market, more credits as the reward.

Just be careful what jobs you choose especially if you are a melee character, there are a good number of ranged MOBs out there.  Oh and if your ranged, take an Acid or Stun damage weapon (preferably with armor piercing).  I don't know if swordsman has damage type selection like a pistoleer has (UG is Pistoleer and TKA) but a lot of stuff has high Kinetic, Energy and Heat resists.
Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Re: Guild hunt tonight? 11th J...
Last post by Undergrid - July 11, 2014, 12:02:03 PM
Quote from: Tricky on July 11, 2014, 09:03:47 AMBuffs will be needed!

Subtle hint there Tricky! :)

I'll try and be around in both my Arranz (for the buffs) and Undergrid (for the hunt) personas, but I'll need to be done by 11:30pm at the latest, which is after the end of a three hour buff set anyway.
Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Hunting grounds
Last post by Tricky - July 11, 2014, 10:57:05 AM
I'm currently grinding swordsman at the mo and took a trip to Talus to see what it what like. Quite a nice place for lair slapping as it happens. New Alderaan has a doctor buff bot, which is handy when Mos Eisley has no docs buffing. From there I was getting Huf dun and Turton (sic?) missions which give loads of combat XP, are quick to kill, and give high harvest quantities too. 3 lairs got me half way to novice swordsman which is very fast!  Got any good hunting grounds to share?
Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Guild hunt tonight? 11th July
Last post by Tricky - July 11, 2014, 09:03:47 AM
There's no footie tonight so who's up for a guild hunt? 8pm ish onwards.
i'm thinking somewhere like Lok or Talus might be fun. Or even Nightsisters on Dath if we're feeling brave/foolhardy! Buffs will be needed!

Any takers?
Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Re: SWGEmu - It's Star Wars re...
Last post by Dai - July 04, 2014, 05:43:55 PM
Hey Tricky,

good stuff I'll have to try take a look, it was an awesome game to be fair :)
Star Wars Galaxies Emulator / Re: SWGEmu - It's Star Wars re...
Last post by Tricky - June 26, 2014, 10:06:56 PM
Hey Dai!

It's not finished, although a lot of stuff is done. To me, it's just like SWG was apart from.... Creature Handler isn't finished (and a few other bits). Which is a shame because that was my favourite role alongside Teras Kasi. You can tame creatures but not use them in PVP/PVE. That will come at some point. All in all though I think the dev's have done an awesome job in re-creating pre-CU SWG.

There's a few of us Hamsters on Basilisk server - you should get on board!
